About me
I began the academic study and clinical training to become an integrative counsellor & psychotherapist in February 2003. I starting working with training clients in late 2003 and have been in private practice as a counsellor & psychotherapist since I completed my course and qualified, in the autumn of 2005.
My private practice is based in St Albans.
Qualifications & Training
- I began the academic study and clinical training to become an integrative counsellor and psychotherapist in February 2003.
- I worked on a Diploma in Psychotherapy and an MA in Psychotherapy and Healing Practice at Middlesex University in London, in collaboration with the Society for Psychology and Healing.
- I began working with training clients in late 2003. I completed my Diploma (equivalent) and qualified in the autumn of 2005.
- I was awarded an MA in Psychotherapy and Healing Practice in February 2012.
- I studied Mindfulness and Buddhist Counselling & Psychotherapy at Tariki Trust, Leicester, from October 2015 to December 2015.
- I was awarded a Certificate in Counselling from Tariki Trust in December 2015.
Published Work
My masters thesis is research based, a pilot study on the similarities and differences between mentoring and counselling teenagers in secondary schools in England. I have self-published my MA dissertation. You can find it on Amazon Kindle if you would like to purchase a copy: Mentoring and Counselling Students in Secondary Education.
During my career I have accrued thousands of hours of experience in therapeutic work with people.
For two years, during my initial training, I was a volunteer counsellor & psychotherapist at a day hospice in north London, which provided support services to cancer sufferers.
I was an honourary substance misuse counsellor & psychotherapist at a local drug and alcohol rehabilitation and recovery service, which is funded by the NHS and local government. This is a community based, non-residential service.
I worked for a local, private, online drug & alcohol rehabilitation and recovery service as a counsellor & psychotherapist, facilitating group therapy as well as individual therapy sessions.
Most recently I worked as a counsellor & psychotherapist delivering individual therapy sessions to the clients of a major, new, private provider of mental health services.
From 2005 I have maintained and developed my private practice, from an office in north London and, more recently, from my office in St Albans. I work with individuals in my private practice:
- Teenagers
- University students
- Young adults
- Adults
- and older adults
I work in-person and online. My in-person clients come from Hertfordshire and north London. My online clients come from around the world – usually via Zoom.